Monday, November 28, 2011

30 Characters - 2nd batch

We're fast approaching the end of November, and you know what? I actually kept up pretty well with the 30 Character challenge! I'll sum up and post the remainder later this week, but until then, here's another batch of my doodly doodle doo's.


7. Ed the minstrel
8. Phil the vampire
9. Kim the ogre
10. Anna the Valkyrie
11. Nigel the rocker (in honor of 11/11/11)
12. Gerald the gnome
13. Rick the gunslinger
14. Stanley the robot
15. Glenn the mystic

Friday, November 18, 2011

Liz Wong - Lizzies (and a Darcy or two)

Goodness I do love me some Pride and Prejudice.

Liz Wong - November

Er... What month is it? Here's a study for a new portfolio piece.

Monday, November 7, 2011

30 Characters in November - week 1

Howdy fellow Insomniac Sketchers! I haven't been around in a while, but my sketchbook's bout to be overflowing as I'm diving into the whole 30 characters in 30 days thing, following the lead of ISS founder Melissa Dow. While Mel's characters are all polished illustrations (check out her FB gallery), my chicken-scratch ditties will feel right at home on the ole sketch blog. Here's my first 6...


1. Bob the necromancer
2. Frank the spacemarine
3. Cecil the barbarian

4. Edna the witch
5. Chad the zombie
6. Lou the pirate