Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Melissa Dow - Pg 12

Laura, so glad to have you here! Your email went to my SPAM for some silly reason, and I could only see the title of it. I sent an invite hoping I had assumed correctly. :)

Donna, the sketches are SO beautiful! I wish I could even have remotely as exquisite handwriting as you do, and the gray tones you use work so well. It is definitely a lot of sketching, but you're right, the more you do, the faster and easier it gets. :)

Oh, and sadly comments only go to the blog creator. I'll see if I can switch that up though.

Hope everybody is having a good week!


  1. Thank you Melissa. I have an old set of Pitt brush pens in gray tones and they go down really quickly. I always feel I need to work on value and light source. The writing is called Willow, an Art Deco style based on architect Charles Rennie Mackintosh's work.

    I love this sketch with females. The central character has such attitue. You have such a knack with expressions. It's fun to see the unique sketching styles.

    Oh, no problem with the message permissions, just didn't want to be rude.

  2. Hi Donna. I too love your lettering, and I had wondered if it was Mackintosh inspired. I actually toured "The Mac" school in Glasgow, Scotland years ago.

  3. OH, and Melissa, the ladies of 12 are pure badass...
